This week I was struggling to make projects and found that most of the time i spent in class this week was spent helping the noobs on the wheel. I did however make some projects (a plate and a large cylinder) on Thursday but they were too wet to foot on Friday, so I am hoping that next week they will be dry enought to foot.
This week I attempted to make a plate and 2 vases, it didn't go as planned. The plate was off center and the vases were to dry to foot. Hopefully next week I can make more projects and get my plate turned in.
This week I made a tall cylinder that flares out at the lip, it took a while to get done so I didn't make any other projects this week. I am hoping after break I can make a plate and my set of three.
This week I made two tall projects and finished my two wheel bowls. This week was a fun week and I pumped out projects like a machine!
Two wheel made bowls both glazed dark blue and turquoise.
First week project photos
First week advanced, don't really know what to expect. Are the projects gonna be 20 ft tall? Are there going to be knew techniques we use? I don't really know, but it look like I'll just have to wait and find out. Can't wait to start making stuff!