My backup theme idea is going to be altering with the hands on the wheel. altering can really make a project great, because there are many ways that the clay bends. Some may say they are endless. 
The theme that I am going to be talking about is going to be glazing and how glazes show emotion and traits just as well as words. Saying what one feels is easy, glazing what one feels is a little more complicated. There are many ways that one can show emotion through glazing, here are a few.

The first way that a glaze can show emotion is with bright colors. When one glazes a project with bright colors it can express a happy mood or a bright feeling, so to speak. Bright colors like yellow or blue can really make the glazer seem like a happy person. If someone glazes a project with black or brown they can seem dark or depressed, which really doesn't seem like a good mood to be in.

The second way glazes can show emotions or traits is when someone glazes a project half and half. Say someone glazes a project half blue or half yellow, they seem creative and happy because of the atmosphere the bright colors create. These colors really get the people looking at the project that one has made and see it as a very good one. glazing black or brown doesn't really catch peoples eyes as much as a project with bright colors glazed onto it will. 

The third way glazes can show emotions or traits is when you glaze a project splatter. when a project has a lot of splatter all over it of different colors, it looks amazing. this could show creativeness or just being excited for something, as when someone is excited for something some can go a little crazy. It also could look like one was trying their best to make a project unique, as no one splatters a project and looks the same as the next.

There are many ways that glazing can show emotions or traits, but the top three are right there. Glazing bright colors, glazing a project half one color and half another, and glazing splatter. Those are the top three ways that one can express what and how they are feeling when glazing, and these can say a lot. 
Theme: Glaze colors and moods

What: My wheel altered showing half of one project being glazed and the other half glazed a different color
           My lidded or two piece project showing excited happy moods  with the splatter patterns
          my tall showing how pulling from the center and top plus flaring and glazing drips are cool looking.
How: The wheel altered used altering with my hands, pulling and pushing, to flare out bits of it and make it look amazing
My lidded used pulling from the center and the top to make it taller and make it better for dripping
my two piece showed slipping and attaching because without using those the two pieces would remain seperate. 
Why: becuase all of these techniques and galzes show time and effort put into projects making them as amazing as they can be, without these techniques a lot of projects would be mediocore and the same. the possible glaze combos and wheel altering in projects is endless, giving us an unlimitted amount of amazment with ceramics.

Conclusion: the way that glazes can be applied to projects are ways that can express variety and moods like happiness. when one glazes a project with bright colors they will look happy, instead of how black and brown can show depressed or dark moods. glazing is usually the best and most fun part of ceramics as this part of it allows infinite possibilites to amaze the audience and show the world what can be done.